Create a Sending Culture

Five years ago it was an anomaly for our students to go on mission projects. We’d offer them occasionally, but the response was dismal and few seemed interested. We knew that had to change so we began to be more strategic and intentional about how we approached student involvement in missions. We have seen a paradigm switch in our ministry over that past few years. Then, the majority stayed. Today, the majority go. This past week I asked several of our students and staff what it was that made them become involved in missions. Their answers confirmed that they had picked up on the shift. Their answers were things we’d begun implementing four years ago. Here are four things that God has used to create a sending culture in our ministry: Missions is Expected We believe that if you are going to follow Jesus than you’d better be willing to be sent out because Jesus a sender to the nations. Because of that, we talk about missions ALL THE TI...