Let Others Teach Your Students

“You know, I think I need to start reading my Bible everyday. It seems to really help,” one of our upperclassmen students told me after one of our retreats. “Really?” I said, trying not to let my sarcasm show through. “Yeah, after that guy spoke about how he met with God I realized that is something I need to do and it can change my walk with God.” “Interesting, have you never heard that before?” I was trying really hard to sound genuine and sincere in that question, but if I’m honest I was screaming in my head, “You’ve heard that from me almost weekly for 2 years!” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard something like that. I say “Read your Bible, pray, share your faith” they write it down, but a guest speaker says it and all of a sudden, “whoa, you know we should really read our Bibles, pray, and share our faith.” It’s amazing! One of the best things you can do for your students is to bring in outside voices, whom you trust, to speak to and train your students. Here...