Working on Jesus' Timeline: the Plumb Line for Success

Have you ever thought about how similar Jesus’ situation was to the average college minister? Think about it. Jesus walked into his ministry knowing he only had about three years with his disciples. We’ve got five, maybe. He knew that after three years they would be separated from them and so he had to begin knowing his exit strategy and what they needed to know before he left. Not only that, but Jesus’ disciples didn't come to him as blank slates. Many of them had emotional, ideological, and theological baggage that had to be stripped away before Jesus could begin to build a sturdy foundation. His disciples came with strengths and passions that needed to be channeled so they could be used for the Kingdom. This is our story! This is college ministry, folks! This is what we do! We have a limited time, unlimited potential and immeasurable sending capacity! I’m struck by Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer in John 17. It’s similar to us as ...