The Barnabas Effect: The Art of Making Others Great

I remember the moment my paradigm shifted. I had turned over the leadership to one of our lunch outreaches to our interns. I told them, “find a way to make this better.” They did. I sat and watched how students responded to them and how within a semester more students were coming than ever before. Then it hit me: I’d been training them to do their role in my ministry and not training them to be effective ministers. The bottle neck wasn’t them and their ability; it was me and my lack of vision. If we are going to reach the world for Christ and have an impact on not just our campus, but every campus, we have to raise up men and women and give them the opportunity to be better than us. It reminds me of the life of Barnabas in the New Testament. Barnabas was a man who never wrote a single page of the New Testament, but his fingerprints are all over it. He was a man who humbly knelt at the cross so others could stand on his shoulders to see Jesus better. ...