A Vision for Multiplying Your Ministry

“What you’ve heard from me in the presence of many witnesses pass on to faithful men who in turn can train others.” Paul of Tarsus “The gospel came to you on its way to someone else.” Rob Gallaty “Your church is the fruit of other people and churches whose names may have been long forgotten. Has your church started other churches, or did history stop with you?” Steve Addison The gospel is meant to be passed on. It was meant to saturate every pour of our being and every nook and cranny of society. It’s what Jesus preached: “Repent the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” What a picture! In order to see the kingdom come near and the gospel passed on Jesus had a big vision, a focused plan, and an open hand. EVERY AND ALL: The Big Vision Jesus had a big vision and started with the end in mind. Here are a few of God’s “vision statements”: Go and make disciples of ALL nations... - Matthew 28:19-20 EVERYONE who calls on the name of t...