What to do with Interns

WHO: Full-Time Position for Recent College Graduates We only have recent college grads for interns. If they are exploring a call to ministry, then this is the job for them! If they are pursuing “secular” careers we just ask them to give back a year. We operate under the idea that if you pay a student to do ministry than you have a harder time helping other students understand that everyone is suppose to do ministry. We have a core team of student leaders who do the work of the ministry. To pay one of them to do the work that others may be doing for free would be counterproductive. We do have student leaders who operate similar to interns who we call “staff” but it is a volunteer position. For a person to be considered a candidate for internship we look at: Are they FAT (Faithful, Available, Teachable)? Do they fit the model of a Disciple Maker? I’m attaching the Discipleship Ladder from Steve Shadrach’s Fuel and the Flame that articulates what we mean b...