Why Sabbatical?

After ten years of working at the Tarleton BSM I'm taking a two month sabbatical this summer. It has been on the calendar since November and I have to admit COVID is really jacking with some of my plans, but the summer is the best time to take it in campus ministry. The more I've talked to people and planned out the summer I've gotten several questions as to what am I going to do for sabbatical. The truth is, I don't know the specifics, but I have some general plans. Perhaps I need to define "sabbatical" before we go any further. If you're not in higher education or ministry sabbatical can be a weird concept. In the Bible, God's people would take a Sabbath (day of rest) every seven days. Every seven years there was a Sabbatical year where the entire nation would take the year off (slaves set free, debts forgiven, let the land rest, etc). It was a nation-wide reset button and a tremendous act of faith! Sabbatical comes from this concept...