Leading Off The Map

Unprecedented. Unheard of. Never before. These are the words that people use to describe this COVID-19 situation. The church has gone online and families adjust to the “new normal” of social distancing and quarantine. What we’ve done before will not work wherever we are now or where we are headed. We can crumple up the road map, because there are no maps where we are headed as a church, because no one has ever been there before! What an honor that God would allow us to steward his church during this season. We are the generation that will lead the church off the map. The questions are endless and the answers are fluid and untested. When there are fewer knowns than unknowns there are a few things to remember: THE MISSION IS NOT CANCELLED. First, we have to realize that God knows it all and has seen it all, so when he issued his promises and commands he did it with the FULL VIEW of time. This means that when God made promises to us and commands for us, h...